University of Kashan Ranked 1st in Research Productivity

23 September 2018 | 19:48
University of Kashan Ranked 1st in Research Productivity

University of Kashan reached the 1st rank in research productivity among the comprehensive universities of Iran.


Dr. Majid Monem Zadeh, Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology of University of Kashan, stated that: Scientific Information Database (SID) annually evaluates universities in Iran with the consideration of their incoming budget in to estimate the nation’s universities and research centers’ research productivity.


Considering the scientific documents in Scopus and the incoming budget, universities and research centers in Iran are evaluated; in this evaluation, University of Kashan managed to achieve the highest rate of research productivity among the comprehensive universities in Iran in 2015-16.


In this ranking, Tarbiat Modares university, Zanjan Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, University of Tabriz, Ferdowsi University, University of Tehran, University of Shiraz, University of Isfahan, Bu-Ali Sina University, and Shahid Beheshti Univeristy achieved the next ranks, respectively.