Latest Edition of Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies Available Now

24 September 2018 | 18:16 Code : 8868 Visual News
Latest Edition of Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies Available Now

The latest edition of the Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies of Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan, was published this week. This is the 13th number in the 7th year of activity of the journal. The new edition features the following papers authored by academic members of various universities of Kashan:

  1. Achaemenid Imperial Architecture: a Symbol of Technology and Wisdom in Antiquity 
  2. Position of Architecture in the Muslim Classification of Sciences during the First Islamic Centuries: with an Emphasis on Fārābi’s Thought 
  3. The Study of the Thermal Performance of Shavadoons, Case Study: The Souzangar House in Dezful, Iran 
  4. The Experience of the Meaning of Place in Urban Spaces: Using Qualitative Content Analysis to Define the Meaning of Bagh-e Ferdows 
  5. A Comparison of Energy Consumption in an Underground Building with a Similar On-ground Model in the Climates of Tehran, Yazd, and Tabriz 
  6. The Role of Humanities in the Education of Bionic Architecture 
  7. Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Urban Fabrics in the Hot and Dry Climates, Case Study: Isfahan 

This journal is a joint effort of University of Kashan along with Faculty of Architecture of University of Tehran. Tarbiat Modarres University, Al-Zahra University,  Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Shahid Rajaee University, and Institute of Culture, Art, and Architecture of Jahad Daneshgahi.

Journal of Iranian Architecture Studies is indexed in Islamic World Science Citation Center(ISC), Scientific Information Database (SID), Noor Specialized Magazines (Noormags), and Civilica.

You can access this edition at the website of JIAS (click here).

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