University of Kashan among the Best Universities on Material Sciences

24 September 2018 | 18:23 Code : 8869 Last News

Dr. Majid Monem Zadeh, vice-chancellor for research of University of Kashan, said: “Based on the latest announcements of Islamic World Science Citation Database, University of Kashan was considered among the top universities on Material Sciences. The ESI indicators of this database depicts that 10 Iranian Universities were among the 1 percent of top world universities on Material Sciences. University of Kashan was ranked 4th among these Iranian universities.”
These rankings are based on the number of documents, number of citations, and number of hot papers and added: “University of Kashan achieved the 456th international ranking on Material Sciences for numbers of international documents and 569th for number of citations.”
The interdisciplinary field of materials science, also commonly termed materials science and engineering, involves the discovery and design of new materials, with an emphasis on solids. Materials scientists emphasize understanding how the history of a material (its processing) influences its structure, and thus the material's properties and performance. 
Also, University of Kashan was considered among the most influential Iranian universities of basic sciences based on Islamic World Science Citation Database.

tags: University Rankings University of Kashan Vice-Chancellor for Research

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