University of Kashan has the Highest Quality in Research according to Leiden Ranking

24 September 2018 | 18:41 Code : 8874 Last News
University of Kashan has the Highest Quality in Research according to Leiden Ranking

University of Kashan managed to achieve the first place among national universities for quality in research papers in top categories of Leiden Ranking system in 2018.

Dr. Majid Monem Zadeh, Vice-Chancellor for Research of University of Kashan, informed that in this ranking, University of Kashan achieved the highest rank among the Iranian universities in 1%, 5%, 10%, and 50% categories of the papers published.

He added that it is the first time that University of Kashan participated in Leiden Ranking system; with 1138 top researches, the university was ranked 826th in the world and 9th among the public state universities of the Ministry of Science.

Leiden is one of the evaluative ranking systems of university ranking in the world that grades the best university of the globe based on reliable scientific indicators.

Dr. Monem Zadeh pointed out that the success of University of Kashan and achieving the top rank in qualitative indicators in these 4 categories manifest the quality of the researches performed at the university and university’s targeting qualitative activities. Based on university’s prospectus, University of Kashan regards qualitative indicators among the main priorities of the institute and will endeavor further for the best results.

tags: University of Kashan University Rankings Vice-Chancellor for Research Leiden Ranking system

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