University of Kashan Rises in ISC Ranking

24 September 2018 | 18:44 Code : 8876 Last News
University of Kashan Rises in ISC Ranking

Vice-chancellor for Research of University of Kashan, Dr. Majid Monemzadeh, informed that the institute rise to the 9th stance in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) ranking system among the comprehensive universities of Iran.

182 public universities and research institutes of Iran were evaluated in this ranking with 26 indicators in 5 major areas of research, education, international orientation, facilities – features, and social, economic, and industrial activities.

With 81 public universities in this ranking, the final placements are as follows, respectively: Tarbiat Modarres University, University of Shiraz, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, University of Tabriz, Shahid Beheshti University, University of Isfahan, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences of Zanjan, University of Kashan, and Bu-Ali Sina University.

This year has brought University of Kashan with a higher level in research in comparison to the last year and the institute was placed 7th in Research among Iranian universities.

tags: University of Kashan University Rankings Vice-Chancellor for Research Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)

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